
在 WebRTC 中,接收端选择哪一层的决定通常由 WebRTC 实现和底层媒体堆栈来处理。适当层的选择取决于各种因素,例如网络条件、可用带宽和接收器的能力。




  • 信令阶段(Centrifugo):在信令阶段,Centrifugo 促进发送者和接收者之间的信令消息交换。这包括 SDP 协商以及包含媒体功能和首选项的会话描述的交换。
  • 媒体服务器功能(mediasoup):mediasoup 作为媒体服务器,在确定可用视频层及其配置方面发挥着重要作用。当发送方与 mediasoup 建立连接时,它会提供有关可用媒体功能和配置的联播层的信息。
  • SDP 协商(WebRTC 客户端库):集成到发送方和接收方应用程序中的 WebRTC 客户端库或框架,处理 SDP 协商过程。协商包括交换会话描述,其中包含有关支持的编解码器、媒体格式和联播设置的信息。
  • 层选择(WebRTC 客户端库 + mediasoup):实际的层选择过程发生在所使用的 WebRTC 客户端库或框架内的接收端。它考虑了网络状况、可用带宽、接收器能力以及从 mediasoup 媒体服务器接收的联播信息。


// Create a WebRTC PeerConnection
const peerConnection = new RTCPeerConnection();

// Function to handle received video tracks
function handleVideoTrack(event) {
  const receivedVideoTrack = event.track;

  // Attach the received video track to a video element for rendering
  const videoElement = document.getElementById('videoElement');
  videoElement.srcObject = new MediaStream([receivedVideoTrack]);

// Handle the SDP negotiation and add received tracks to the PeerConnection
peerConnection.ontrack = handleVideoTrack;

// Function to dynamically adjust bitrate based on network conditions
function adaptBitrate(networkConditions) {
  // Get the sender's video transceiver
  const videoTransceiver = peerConnection.getTransceivers()
 .find(transceiver => transceiver.sender.track.kind === 'video');

  // Get the list of available encodings for the sender's video track
  const sendEncodings = videoTransceiver.sender.getParameters().encodings;

  // Choose the appropriate video layer based on network conditions
  let selectedLayer;
  if (networkConditions.availableBandwidth < 500000) {
 selectedLayer = 'low'; // Lower bitrate for low bandwidth
  } else if (networkConditions.availableBandwidth < 1000000) {
 selectedLayer = 'medium'; // Medium bitrate for moderate bandwidth
  } else {
 selectedLayer = 'high'; // Higher bitrate for high bandwidth

  // Update the sender's encoding parameters to prioritize the selected layer
  sendEncodings.forEach(encoding => {
 if (encoding.rid === selectedLayer) {
   encoding.active = true;
 } else {
   encoding.active = false;

  // Apply the updated encoding parameters to the sender's video transceiver
  videoTransceiver.sender.setParameters({ encodings: sendEncodings });

// Function to monitor network conditions and trigger adaptive bitrate control
function monitorNetworkConditions() {
  // Replace with your own logic to monitor network conditions
  const networkConditions = {
 availableBandwidth: getAvailableBandwidth(),
 // Other network condition parameters...


// Example usage: Monitor network conditions periodically
setInterval(monitorNetworkConditions, 5000);




